Aromatherapy Tips to Boost Your Mood
Alternative medicine is becoming more popular today. With the emergence of diseases and side effects brought about by the use of traditional medicine, many people are turning to natural ways to find remedies for common ailments. One of the more popular alternative is aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy is the use of aromatic essential oils and extracts from plants, herbs, fruits and flowers to use as a therapeutic remedy for physical and psychological conditions and enhance general well-being. When their scent is inhaled they can have a powerful impact on your brain and your body. Although there is no substantial studies to support the claims, many have attested that aromatherapy worked for them.
So here is a rundown of popular aromatherapy scents and their effect to your body.
Eucalyptus Oil – extracted from the long, pale green leaves of the eucalyptus tree is one of the more popular aromatherapy scent.
Uplifts mood
Boosts immune system
Treats respiratory ailments such as asthma and the common cough, colds and flu
Clears and opens nasal passages
Relieves muscle tension
Hair nourishment and lice treatment
Wound treatment with antimicrobial and antiseptic properties
Lemon Oil – very popular with its clean and refreshing citrusy scent
Enhances positive mood
Promotes concentration
Calms and clarifies the senses
Boosts immune system
Improves Circulation
Lavender Oil – popular aromatherapy scent not only for perfumes, air fresheners and fabric conditioners.
Controls emotional stress
Calms and soothes nerves
Relieves depression and tension
Alleviates headaches and migraines
Eases insomnia
Treats mild wounds, scrapes, burns and cuts
Helps tone and lift skin
Chamomile Oil – one of the oldest aromatherapy scent.
Helps treat sleeplessness
Soothes anxiety
Treats muscle aches and tension
Treatment for infections
Jasmine Oil – stress buster and boosts moods.
Calms and soothes nerves
Good as an anti-depressant
Uplifts mood
Revitalizes energy
Boosts confidence
Relieves menstrual cramps and syndromes
Rosemary Oil - has a distinctive woody fragrance.
Stimulates the senses to keep you alert
Boosts immune system
Helps retain memory
Relieves exhaustion
Fights mental fatigue and headaches
Relieves muscle aches and pains
Stimulates the digestive tract
Stimulates health growth
Good for liver detoxification
Tea Tree Oil – one of the essential oils favored at Loveli Skin Beauty Centre.
Boosts immune system
Natural anti-fungal and antiseptic properties
Treats wounds and infections
Sage – not just good for food but also good as aromatherapy.
Relaxes the senses
Helps ease insomnia
Treats hormonal imbalance
Natural muscular painkiller
Geraniums – work wonders for women.
Balances mood swings induced by monthly cycles
Relieves depression and anxiety
A natural stimulant
Relieves menstrual cramps
Insect repellant
Rose Oil – not just good for its fragrance but also for its health benefits.
Relieves anxiety & depression
Boosts immune system
Improve body circulation
Relieves menstrual cramps and menopausal syndrome
Relieves headaches and migraines
There are a wide variety of essential oils used in aromatherapy. But these oils should be used with caution and in very minute amounts. If the claims are true or not, it is still best to consult your physician to get proper treatment for any ailment. Most should be paired with carrier oils like sweet almond, jojoba or avocado to make it safe for the skin. Be sure to read labels and instructions when using any essential oils.